A Letter to My Body: A Safe Space to Talk about Body Image Issues & Body Shaming Experiences

The time for body-positive conversations has come. Most of us-- parents, teachers, girls, middle aged women and yes, even men and boys-- have thoughts and perceptions about our bodies which are not positive. Simply put, your perception of your body is called your body image. If your body image is negative, you will likely be very dissatisfied about yourself and these situations can often escalate to depression and psychiatric conditions like body dysmorphia. 

Body image issues not only distort your perception of your body but also affects the way you think about it. This can seed a debilitating preoccupation with your body shape and weight. Such dissatisfaction can be influenced by several external factors like media influence and comments from friends, family and romantic partners.

We need to start talking about it, because body-positivity is more than just a hashtag. It is also a radical attitude towards your body that behoves you to love and accept yourself for who you are. And to wean yourself away from the unhealthy and unsustainable standards of female beauty that society often imposes.

Participate in our campaign and make a difference.

This event is a crucial step in that healthy wholesome direction.

About the event:

A Mixer with Like-Minded People to Share Stories, Experiences, and Feelings. This mixer is for everyone who has ever been body shamed and would like to talk about their experiences in a safe space. People come together to make their experiences real by talking about them and participating in fun ice-breakers and games.

This will be followed by Talk, and Q and A Session with Eminent Mental Health Professionals:

Ms. Mimansa Singh Tanwar 

Ms. Mimansa Singh Tanwar is Clinical Psychologist and the Coordinator of the Fortis School Mental Health and Clinical Psychology Program with the Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences.Through media, she has been working towards making Mental Health a priority for the young members of our society.

Ms. Aanshika Puri

Ms. Aanshika Puri is a Ph.D. Scholar, whose areas of expertise include Positive Psychology and Developmental Psychology. She has worked with Eicher School as a Special Educator and with Manav Rachna International School as a Counsellor. Aanshika has also been deeply interested in folk art for the last twelve years.

What we shall be talking about:

  • The need to have a healthy body image
  • Information about eating disorders & Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  • What is body shaming?
  • How to deal with the people that body shame us.
  • How to keep insecurities about your body from spiraling out of control.
  • Positive and self-affirming message for the attendees.

Join us, as we engage in lots of body-positive conversations, self-care, and more.

Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Date: March 25th, 2018
Venue: Empowerers Coworking City, Green Park
Register @ https://goo.gl/SgGvbc

About the Author

WHL Staff

The WHL staff comprises a group of ladies out to give you exhaustive, practical health tips and resources.