Common breast problems during puberty you should know about

Girls experience a number of changes in their body when they hit puberty, of which, the changes in the breasts are of utmost concern. It is important for an adolescent to understand the changes their breasts are undergoing and how they can identify any warning signs.

Some of the changes in the breasts are related to the menstrual cycle, contraceptive pills or other hormonal forms of contraception. Most of the breast conditions are usually not that harmful or are non - cancerous, however it is essential for teenagers to be aware of proper breast health in order to able to detect any problems early on.

Common breast conditions in teens are –

  • Fibroadenoma
    Locating lumps in your body could be a very scary thing; it could be indicative of cancerous cells. Though this could be worrisome, it is important to know that not all lumps or tumors lead to cancer. One such type of non-cancerous tumor is known as Fibroadenoma. 

    It is commonly found in young women and can be characterized as a lump in the breast that easily moves when touched. 

    There are different types of Fibroadenoma and though they are usually painless, some of the more complex types may be removed through surgery upon advice by a registered medical practitioner. 

  • Fibrocystic breast disease
    Fibrocystic breast disease is a benign (non-cancerous) condition where one experiences lumpiness in the breasts which can sometimes be painful and uncomfortable.  Symptoms include swelling, tenderness, pain and lumps in one or both breasts. 

    It commonly occurs among women in their 20s to 50s and is believed to be caused by the hormones made by the ovaries. Fibrocystic breast disease can be treated at home and through over the counter pain relievers. 

  • Cyclical Breast Pain
    One of the most common types of breast pain that young girls experience, cyclical breast pain is caused due to changing hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle. Many girls experience pain in their breasts few weeks before their menstrual cycle which may persist until the end of their period. The symptoms include pain and lumpiness in one or both breasts and sometimes in the under – arm region. Pain may be bearable or at times so severe that one is not able to wear tight – fitted clothes or even tolerate close contact of any kind.

    It is advisable to maintain a chart to notice the pattern of the breast pain to determine whether it is cyclical or not. 

All of these breast conditions are treatable and we recommend you consult a registered medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis, especially in the following cases:

  • No breast development by the age of 15

  • Persistent breast pain even after your menstrual cycle has ended

  • New lumps, lumps that grow and are painful

  • Nipple discharge or noticeable signs of breast infection. 

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WHL Staff

The WHL staff comprises a group of ladies out to give you exhaustive, practical health tips and resources.