Here’s what we can learn from some fantastic women who practise self-care

We are on a mission to help you practise self-care. Different people find peace and comfort in different ways, but it is often difficult for most women to think about themselves as individuals beyond the various social roles they are expected to perform, and find joy in doing small but significant things just for themselves. So, we are here to inspire you with stories of women who practise self-care in their own way, so you know you are not alone.

Chhavi Sachdev

Read more about her awesome self and awesome work at and

There are a number of little things I do - some of them every day, some when I recognize I'm in the middle of a stressful situation I haven't been able to ward off. I'm generally pretty social so I don't need to plan interactions - usually I have to make myself take time off from them to get in recharge and solitude time.

General self-care these days includes:

*Exercise: I feel awful when I miss it, and I miss it only when I feel too awful to get out there. I try to do some stretching when I can't go swim or run.

*Steam inhalation for about 10 minutes. This is both for physical and mental wellbeing. I generally listen to some music while I do this and also read on my kindle. It's a little grab of time to do something I like, regardless of whether the rest of my day will permit me more time for these things or not.

*I also take my magnesium and vitamin supplements daily. These help with my migraines and I've made them a habit. Dunno if this counts.

*I make a list of all the things I *have* accomplished at the end of the day and crossing it off - even if on an unproductive day, it's small stuff like calling family or sending emails for work or meeting someone - as a closure ritual.

I'd love to say I practice mindfulness and meditation but this is fairly sporadic. I do also have a nap app that has spoken guided relaxation but, again, not daily.

When I'm in a stressful phase - which I may or may not recognize until I'm in it, I try to:

*Do some mindfulness and meditation practice, sometimes for 7 minutes, sometimes for 10 - and sometimes twice a day.

*stretching and exercise in the evening

*asking for help and sharing with friends

*coloring! :)


Divya Titus

As a woman working in development and on issues of women & girls empowerment, and child health; I realised the importance of self-care and looking after my mental health when I realised how easy it was to get burnt out while working in this sector. This has led to me actively cultivating habits of self-care. These include:

-  Taking time out of my day to do things just for myself. This typically includes spending time reading or working out.

- I make sure I get an adequate amount of sleep each night and switch off from all screens about 45 minutes before I go to bed.

- As someone that’s more of an introvert, I have learnt to say no to social events that take place when I’d rather be spending time on my own. My family and friends know that I use this time to unwind, and do not take offence when I turn down some invitations.

-I typically read up on news stories a few hours after I’ve woken up. I try and reach for a book or articles that are humours or positive in tone when I wake up.

- I have moments where I can get really lost in my own mind and this sometimes makes me lose focus. I’ve learned that spending time with those close to me helps me get out of head and is rejuvenating when it comes time to focus on work again.

Alisha Asif

26, Social Worker, Feminist and could-live-on-iced-teas person

Having been through episodes of depression and anxiety, I know how much I've changed over the past 2 years, be it as a person, be it in terms of career, relationships, friends, family, every thing. But I also know I get out of those phases ONLY AND WHEN I REALLY WANT TO. You really have to want to be good. My means of self-care are 4 things:

- Practicing Buddhism. Chanting helps me really calm myself down and put all that negative energy into something productive.

- Writing. Venting out on paper lets me get things out of my system too.

- Exercising Breathing- My anxiety attacks used to be pretty frequent at a point in time and I still do suffer from major travel anxiety. You can't stop being anxious suddenly but you can definitely get yourself together enough to stay calm during the moments. Controlled deep breathing is a such an add on. Always helps.   - Last but very definitely not the least, surrounding myself with just a very few people who I know are genuinely my people is the wisest thing I've done in a while now. We must not expose and make ourselves available emotionally to a lot of people. Because if you don't have your mental health in place, every sphere of your life eventually gets affected. So, take care of yourselves. It's important. :)

Should you ever need more insight, or help, do not hesitate to Contact Us. We are always ears!

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WHL Staff

The WHL staff comprises a group of ladies out to give you exhaustive, practical health tips and resources.