Hysterectomy: We Help You Separate Myths From facts

Hysterectomy fears continue, mainly because the procedure is generally misunderstood. Hysterectomy is one of many options if you have fibroids (noncancerous tumors), extremely heavy periods, or uterine prolapse. Hysterectomy could be essential, not simply an option, if you have invasive cancer of the reproductive organs — the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Today, most hysterectomy surgical techniques are negligibly invasive, meaning less bleeding, fewer complications, and a faster recovery.

The truth behind some of the most common myths about hysterectomy:

Myth: Hysterectomy means your sex life is over.

Fact: Your sex life is not over.

All women are diverse in how they experience their sex lives. Having a hysterectomy doesn’t have to mean a radical change in your sex life. It takes approximately 6 weeks for the top of the vagina to fully heal, after which most patients can recommence sex. How soon you can have sex after a hysterectomy actually depends on the type of hysterectomy: partial, total, or radical. Waiting two to four weeks to get back to sex is usually all right, with your doctor’s go-ahead, if your cervix was not removed along with your uterus. Talk to your doctor to classify what they mean by sex. What they usually mean is vaginal intercourse. Oral sex may be fine, and vibrator use as well — but your questions need to be precise. In fact, many women actually enjoy sex more after a hysterectomy. Many painful gynecological conditions, can keep women from having sex. After the uterus is removed, many women feel better and have a new interest in sex.

Myth: A hysterectomy will cure endometriosis.

Fact: While a hysterectomy can be a significant part of the treatment for longer-term respite, it does not treat endometriosis. Your doctor may advocate a hysterectomy for uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, pelvic pain, or cancer. But unless cancer is there, different treatment options should be considered before deciding to have a hysterectomy. Endometriosis — a condition marked by severe menstrual cramps, chronic pain, and painful intercourse — is not cured by removal of the uterus.

Myth: Hysterectomy brings menopause.

Fact: Many women who undergo hysterectomy expect to have menopause like symptoms. Hysterectomy does not induce menopause or its symptoms. You will not have periods and you cannot get pregnant post a hysterectomy, but that does not mean menopause. Only in case ovaries are also removed is when menopause can happen. Menopause is when the ovaries stop releasing eggs and stop to produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which regulate menstruation.

Myth: Post Hysterectomy, one needs extensive recovery time.

Fact: A lot of the hysterectomy procedures happening today are laparoscopic or robotic. This means the patient can go home the very same day. The usual recovery time is about two weeks. You will have to refrain from movements that move your abdominal muscles.

There are now multiple options when it comes to the types of hysterectomy procedures to choose from. If you’ve tried hysterectomy alternatives already, and they did not work, ask your physician if having a hysterectomy may be the right treatment option for you. By learning as much as you can about having a hysterectomy, you’ll be able to make the most optimum decision about this life-altering procedure. Depending on a woman’s motive for the hysterectomy, a doctor may choose to remove all or only part of their uterus. Occasionally, during a hysterectomy, the cervix and/or ovaries are also removed. A total hysterectomy removes the entire uterus and cervix. In a supracervial, or subtotal hysterectomy, only the upper part of the uterus is removed, keeping the cervix where it was; this hysterectomy can only be performed laparoscopically or abdominally. In a radical hysterectomy, generally performed when cancer is present, a surgeon takes the complete uterus, tissue on the sides of the uterus, the cervix, and the top part of the vagina. Additionally, the ovaries may also be removed.

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Neha Ramneek Kapoor

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