Women, Health and Covid-19: Running a Lean Kitchen

As we try to come to terms with the lockdown and self-quarantining due to Covid-19, countless women have shared with us about the weight of domestic chores, and the challenges of maintaining a healthy & diverse kitchen for the family. We hear you, but we also feel that this is the time to reclaim the space of the kitchen. It's a not a 'menial' space, but the center of the family's health, nutrition and immunity. And it's most definitely not just a woman's job.
How might we use this time to overturn some of these notions and focus on our health? This resource tells you how to run a Lean Kitchen, how to talk to your family about dividing responsibility and also some easy, resourceful, customisable recipes. 

DOWNLOAD our Resource here

Part 1- Emergency FAQs for Women's Health
Part 2- Women's Mental Health

If you have any queries on how to deal with Coronavirus, write to us at Community@thea.care. We will get back to you with resources,  doctors, mental health experts, nutritionists or any other help you need.

About the Author

WHL Staff

The WHL staff comprises a group of ladies out to give you exhaustive, practical health tips and resources.