Women, Health and Covid-19: Women's Mental Health in the Times of Coronavirus

As the world comes to terms with the novel Coronavirus, we bring to you some handy resources, answering questions about women's health and well-being in this context.

The second in the 3-part series, focusses on women's mental health, as the majority of people are currently homebound, significantly increasing the responsibility of women, and limiting their space. We are especially focussed on women stuck in abusive domestic situations, and isolated from avenues of help.
This Resource answers some burning questions.


Part 1- Emergency FAQs for Women's Health
Up Next,
Part 3- Running a Lean Kitchen

If you have any queries on how to deal with Coronavirus, write to us at Community@thea.care. We will get back to you with resources,  doctors, mental health experts, nutritionists or any other help you need.

About the Author

WHL Staff

The WHL staff comprises a group of ladies out to give you exhaustive, practical health tips and resources.