
Family planning in India: When failing to plan, is planning to...

Deaths of women caused by unsanitary and unsafe...

Returning to work after maternity

The maternity period is a period of mixed emotions, you cherish the coming motherhood stage and at the same time, you are going through so many emotional as well as physical changes that it becomes difficult for you to work. This emotional conflict plays an adverse impact on working women, who have a hard time coping with the stresses of professional life. Because of the high premiums our society places on motherhood, returning to work for some women can become difficult after maternity. 

Sanitary Napkins: Can they be harmful?

Only 12% of India's 355 million menstruating women use sanitary napkins. Over 88% women resort to alternatives such as non-sanitary cloth, ashes, and even husk sand at times. The major reason behind these statistics is the problem of accessibility and affordability. Around 70% of women in India say their families can't afford to buy sanitary napkins. Many rural women cannot afford these basic amenities, as they have access to very few resources. In the urban spaces with access to safer hygiene products, sanitary devices other than napkins— such as tampons or menstrual cups— will take relatively more time to gain popularity in India. Tampon sales in India is seven times lower than that of sanitary napkins, according to a survey. While there is no detailed survey available on the sale of tampons, Johnson & Johnson is believed to dominate this segment in India.

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