
How To Talk To Your Kids About Consent

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Protein Deficiency in Women: What You Need To Know

  It’s easier to convince men to include more...

How PCOS Impacts Pregnancy, Delivery, and Breastfeeding: What ...

Most women with PCOS try so hard to conceive...

What Happens to PCOS As Women Age

We focus on PCOS a bit too much during the...

How To Exercise Right In Order To Deal With PCOS

Healthy women “move it” every day.  And,...

PCOS and Diet: How Eating Right Can Go A Long Way

We are usually asked questions like what should...

Calcium Deficiency in Women: What You Need To Know

We all know that calcium is important for women...

What Every Woman Should Know About Her Haemoglobin

We all have those days when we’d rather be at...

Vitamin D deficiency in Women: How You Can Deal With It

Do you take calcium supplements and have...

What Can Parents Do When Their Children Tell Them About Being ...

Child sexual abuse is more common than you...

Examining the legal frameworks to address sexual violence and...

This series establishes an understanding of...

Technology and Sexual Violence against Women: New Challenges

This series establishes an understanding of...

How can technology be used to combat sexual violence, when wom...

This series establishes an understanding of...

Role of technology in redefining women's safety

This series establishes an understanding of...

Reimagining Women’s Wellness: A Neuroscientific Approach

Mind-body connections refer to how our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our body functions. Each thought can set off a cascade of cellular reactions within our nervous system that influence the molecular pathways in our body. Scientific research can now prove that mind-body interventions can also be used to help augment conventional medical therapies.  The neuroscience of wellness and the undeniable connections between the mind and body have long been neglected in modern medicine. Below is a representation of how I would look at wellness .

The Need To Be A Desirable Woman

If you are a woman you will learn one thing that you are supposed to be desirable. It is a strange concept to grow up with. Before young girls are taught about health, they are taught to be pretty. It begins at birth, consciously or sub-consciously. It happens as if it is meant to be. The color of the skin is seen and approved. As if it is a measure to greatness. The “Gori ladki,” is a treasure. The “Kaali ladki” might be a burden to her parents as her skin is not desirable. It is a lie that we love black. We detest it. Little girls are not taught about healthy skin. They are asked to scrub their skins with “Besan,” it makes the skin fairer. Mothers are supposed to be apologetic about their daughter’s skin. They often dismiss the dark skin as “She plays in the Sun.” So, the Sun God has taken the blame for years. I went to meet someone for lunch the other day. She asked me, “Are you tanned?” I said, “No, this is my natural color.” She used her fairness app, while she clicked a few selfies. This is the level of confidence that young girls in this country begin their journey to womanhood. We are supposed to be desirable. It begins with our skin.

Building A Wellness Routine for Your Desk Job

If you are like 86% of the American workforce, you have a sedentary desk job that involves you sitting for a several hours a day. Add your long commute, bad eating habits and stressful all-nighters to the mix, and you could be an easy target for chronic diseases. There are three millennia of evidence from Ancient India and the Western civilizations that highlight the detrimental effects of physical inactivity.  The Ayurvedic texts written by Susruta from 600 BC state that inactivity can lead to accumulation of bad energy in the body that can result in diseases. A quote from Hippocrates rings true - “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health”.  Bringing together the wealth of knowledge from the past with scientific knowledge of the present can help us make informed decisions about our health.

Problems of women with big breasts, and how to solve them

Clothing: We all know how hard it is to find a...

Why we need biodegradable sanitary napkins

Every month, a woman has periods on an average for 5 days, it can be less or more, as it varies from person to person. However, what is common in all of us is that at some point or another we all have faced those rashes on the bikini line, itchiness and foul smell due to sanitary napkins and tampons. We try our best to stay clean and fresh, we use different products so that the pad doesn’t irritate our skin, even change it as often as we can. Yet we face the same problems!  Do you know why? It’s because most of the pads and tampons are made of bleached rayon, cotton and plastics. Moreover, these products usually leave behind fibers that can lead to many bladder and vaginal infections. Further, it has also been discovered that tampons tend to absorb even the natural fluids and friendly bacteria that help in cleansing the vagina. 

Travelling solo while menstruating

Travelling is one thing every other person craves for, irrespective of the fact if we talk about a man or a woman. In a patriarchal society, it is far easier for a man to travel on his own, rather than a woman. An additional problem for women at times is that they have to manage another totally normal phenomenon, which they experience in their daily routine: the menstruation cycle. Planning a trip and simultaneously dealing with the menstruation cycle can be stressful for women.  The menstruation cycle could be taken care of by many means available these days, including birth control pills, tampons, or IUD implant. 

Using lubricants: all you need to know

Lubricants are gel-like substances that are used during sexual intercourse or masturbation to reduce friction.  When a woman is aroused, the first thing that happens is that she becomes ‘wet.’ This ‘wetness’ is a natural lubricant. However, the amount produced each time can vary according to certain factors like the woman’s menstrual time, age, stress levels, etc. But it isn’t necessary that we only use lubricants to overcome the dryness in the vagina. They can also be used to make sex and masturbation easier and enjoyable. It is known that lubricants increase the pleasure during sexual intercourse.

Returning to work after maternity

The maternity period is a period of mixed emotions, you cherish the coming motherhood stage and at the same time, you are going through so many emotional as well as physical changes that it becomes difficult for you to work. This emotional conflict plays an adverse impact on working women, who have a hard time coping with the stresses of professional life. Because of the high premiums our society places on motherhood, returning to work for some women can become difficult after maternity. 

Myths about Sex: busting them one by one

Let us accept the fact that sex is more than just the ability to procreate. It can also be a sheer means of pleasure or a means of connecting to your partner. However, sex is a subject that is largely only whispered reluctantly, left under wraps and never properly spoken about— even at the cost of health and safety.  Sex is a mystery for most of the teenagers as they do not have any elder who is ready to come forward and shed some light on the subject of the body. Sex education is not a part of school curricula for the same reasons – a confusing mixture of embarrassment and awkwardness is evoked. This automatically means most of our knowledge about sex comes from unreliable sources like our friends, the Internet, some hideous magazine, porn etc. 

How to use a tampon

Tampons, like sanitary napkins, are feminine hygiene products used to absorb the menstrual blood which gets discharged from a woman’s body every month. It is a small, cylindrical substance made of complex substances such as rayon and cotton, pressed together so that it can be easily inserted in your vaginal opening. Due to the physical ease felt whilst using a tampon during periods, some women prefer them over sanitary napkins. Like pads, they too come in different sizes and levels of absorbing. 

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